EDI - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

I’m a passionate believer in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. I’ve spent time since my undergraduate degree being involved in causes relating to EDI, most often the 2SLGBTQ+ community. I’m a past co-organiser of the LGBTQ+inSTEM conference, the It Gets Better: 2SLGBTQ+ in Chem symposium at the CCCE and WCC, and am organising the first official 2SLGBTQ+ mixer at CCCE2023. More to come in the future!

I’m linking here some thought provoking videos, articles etc. that I found relating to EDI:

Gender Equality in Science: Why is it taking so long? is a very interesting lecture by Prof. Paul Walton of the Chemistry Department at the University of York (UK). Talks about the work he and the Department have done over 20 years to try to increase gender equality, including the types of pushback they have received and how/if it can be countered as well as a discussion about unconscious bias. I was really glad to find this on YouTube.

Picture A Scientist is a great documentary about the struggles that women have faced in Science in the USA, focusing on 3 particular scientists. Nothing short of gutwrenching in places. Can watch it on Netflix

On a plate is a nice little comic on the effect of privilege by Toby Morris, especially the privilege you take for granted (I think this is the original publication link, it spread like wildfire through a lot of clickbait-y sites at one point).

A snippet from an interview between Jon Stewart and Howard Stern on improving the culture at The Daily Show.

“What we did before was diversity for diversity’s sake… but what we realized is we weren’t changing a system, we were just granting access to a club that everyone should have had access to in the first place.”

Some shorts from TikTok

Being an ally or enthusiast